Rugby Opportunity Bill of Fall 2021

In session October 21st, 2021.

Sponsored by Senators Bright, Moore, Chairman Crowder, and PPT Moyes.

A Bill

Relating to the Senate sponsorship of the LETU Rugby Club.

Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate.

Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the "Rugby Opportunity Bill of Fall 2021.”


Section B.

The LETU Rugby Club will be allocated one thousand, five hundred ($1.500.00) dollars from the Senate General Fund. The funds will be used to pay the entrance fees for new rugby recruits. The Student Senate will provide a Senate sticker to the LETU Rugby club, after which the sticker shall be “shlapped” onto the rugby scoreboard.

Failure to meet the above stipulations or abide by the Student Handbook may result in these allocated funds being returned to the Senate General Fund, proposed by the Financial Appropriations Committee and confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Senate.

Effective Date

Section C.

This act shall become effective upon passage.

Explanations and Reasoning

Section D

Having gone 3-0 so far this season, including huge victories over Stephen F. Austin (36-5) and Southern Methodist University (45-5), the LETU rugby club represents LeTourneau University well and provides a great outlet for students of all years and majors. Unfortunately, in order to play, each new player must pay a $120.00 entrance fee to the league. This sizable hurdle discourages many students who would otherwise participate. In fact, the current volunteer rugby coach cares so much for his players that he often pays, out of his own personal back account, the entrance fee for students who cannot afford it.

Given that the LETU Rugby Club received no general funding from the Student Senate so far this semester, we now have a wonderful opportunity to invest in our campus by helping those who cannot afford the fees. An allocation of $1500.00 will cover the entrance fees for the flood of freshman rugby players who have joined the club since the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester.