PRNR Supply Bill of FAll 2022

In Session October 13, 2022

Letourneau University Student Senate

Sponsored by Senator Ko

A Bill

Relating to the funding assistance requested to assist in archiving Senate's public records.

Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate

Short Title

Section A.

The "PRNR Some Useful Purchases Protecting LeTourneau Senate History Bill" may be referred to as the "PRNR SUPPLY Bill of Fall 2022.”


Section B.

1. A total of one hundred ($100) dollars will be allocated to purchase several office supplies for the Senate PRNR committee to assist in their archival process.

2. All funds not used in this manner shall revert to the Senate General Fund within one week of passage.

Effective Date

Section C.

This act shall become effective upon passage.

Explanations and Reasoning

Section D.

Recent observations about the state of LETU Senate records including, but not limited to: the termination of our old website, the lack of a consolidated storage location, and a growing amount of data have increased the need for additional resources. Items such as an external drive and a bin/binder will be helpful for securing our history digitally and physically for generations of Senate leadership.