Bon Appétit Neck Fan Funding Bill of Spring 2022
In Session April 7th, 2022
Letourneau University Student Senate
Sponsored by Senator McKurtis, Fuentes, Willsea, and Chairman Crowder
A Bill
Relating to the purchase of neck fans for Bon Appétit workers
Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate
Short Title
Section A.
This act may be referred to as the "Bon Appétit Neck Fan Funding Bill of Spring 2022"
Section B.
1. A total of four hundred and fifteen ($415) dollars will be allocated for the purchase of neck fans for Bon Appétit workers.
2. All funds not used in this manner shall revert back to the Senate General Fund.
Effective Date
Section C.
This bill shall become effective upon passage.
Explanations and Reasoning
Section E.
Bon Appétit employees spend hours every day working in hot kitchens. Student Senate would like to purchase neck fans as gifts to provide cool air while working and to say, 'thank you' to the people serving us every day.