Session of April 14, 2022

April 14, 2022

Minutes Recorded by: Bethany, Secretary


Call to Order at 11:08 AM

Senator prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved at 11:11

Officer Reports:

PPT Moyes: Good morning, hope you’re all doing well as the semester ends. Think about next year, a lot of you are probably planning to be senators. Also consider asking others who seem like they would be a good fit or are looking for an opportunity. Senator Wilsea has resigned due to not being able to be as committed as I had hoped. Hopefully he can return eventually. There are options where if you have track meets or flight blocks, or something similar, you can come to me, and I can excuse you or we can adjust role. Or you can resign.

Committee Reports:

Chairman Crowder: Howdy everyone, allergies have been really hitting me hard. We are finalizing a lot of projects. We are presenting a bill for neck fans today.

Chairman Drebot: We will have an amendment to propose a bit later on. Thank you.

Special Business:

VP Avent: We do have a new senator to swear in today.

Senator Cartwright sworn in

PPT Moyes: Come talk to me after about committees.

Old Business:

Senator Bright: An update from the TFO meeting. We got to two topics of interest. Shortage of lab techs and the fall schedule. In regard to lab tech, it seems this is one example of a larger shortage of student workers. The chair of the nursing school mentioned there are SI shortages in A&P, and other departments echoed this. No resolution was reached – some people wondered if students get paid better at off campus jobs, a variety of potential causes. With the fall schedule, there were decisions. First, faculty wanted to say they were in no way consulted about the Fall schedule and were displeased about it. Fall 2022 is locked in place, there is no changing it. Fall 2023 however would be open for discussion, if we want a discussion, we will have to initiate that. They recommend writing a letter to the TFO and Provost Office after a survey for what students wanted. Then the chairs will conduct a survey of the faculty and work towards a schedule that is helpful for everyone.

New Business:

VP Avent: I did send out an order so discussion flows. So, can we go to Bon Appetite funding bill first?

Chairman Crowder: Motion to bring Bon Appetite Neck Fan Funding Bill to the floor.

PPT Moyes: How many fans will the money get?

Chairman Crowder: If I remember correctly, it is about 36-37 workers for Corner Café and The Hive. Each fan is about $8 and it is tax exempt so it is pretty exact.

Sergeant Rubingh: You said $8 per fan?

Chairman Crowder: Okay, it may be more like $10-15.

Senator Bright: I move to bring this bill to a vote.

Bill approved.

Senator Bright: I motion to bring the SI Blitz Pizza Funding Bill to the floor.

Senator Cartwright: Does the achievement center not have funding for events?

Senator Bright: I am unaware of their budget.

Chairman Drebot: Do we know how much of their own money is put into this?

Senator Bright: I do not know. She just emailed and said we helped in the past.

PPT Moyes: If this is a repeating event and senate has helped in the past, do we make it known it is us helping?

Senator Bright: I think the two volunteers should wear senate polos, and we can also put out our sign.

VP Avent: The bill does not state two people are required to go as a clarification.

Senator Hofer: Motion to bring this bill to a vote.

Bill approved.

Sergeant Rubingh: I motion to bring an amendment to the floor – VP Qualifications and new senators being approved process.

PPT Moyes: Don’t we need a certain number to bring an amendment to the floor?

VP Avent: The amendment is passed by a majority vote first, then is ratified two weeks later. What is being brought up is the resolution which require a majority vote. Let’s remove ‘be it resolved.’

Senator Hofer: I have a question. I thought that some floors had been given an extra senator.

Sergeant Rubingh: The number on that is 50, and it will be decided by 2-3 citizens. We decided it would be simpler for it to be a flat rate, so we don’t have to count people on the floor.

Senator Allen: Is there a difference for apartments or quads?

Chairman Crowder: They are already their own voting district. Also, it allows for competitiveness between floors if multiple people are running.

Senator Bright: What changes were made in regard to VP requirements?

Sergeant Rubingh: In the past it was 3 semesters and adding the 20 sessions to clarify. It is 2 semesters and 20 sessions within that.

VP Avent: So partial terms can count as long as 20 sessions are attended.

Senator Bright: Where is it clarified that a partial semester counts?

VP Avent: There is no differentiation between the two in the documents. Filling a vacancy is part of a term and that is the same interpretation as the past.

Chairman Crowder: That is why we have at least 20 sessions in case you did not do full semesters, you just need that many sessions.

Senator Bright: Is there any reason for semesters wording at all if sessions are needed.

VP Avent: Attending a session does not mean you are a senator.

Senator Naranjo: If they are attending, it would not be recorded unless they are in office?

Senator Hofer: The secretary records guests.

Senator Bright: So, it would need to clarify attended 20 sessions as a senator.

Senator Cartwright: What if someone is in senate then leaves and returns?

Sergeant Rubingh: If I had served as a freshman and left until my junior year, I can still run for VP. It doesn’t matter.

VP Avent: It is unlikely someone would do that.

Senator Bright: If we are good with the wording, I move to bring this to a vote.

Resolution approved.

Sergeant Rubingh: I motion to bring a resolution – senator elections revamp – to the floor.

Senator Cartwright: Would this exclude participation with people who are trying to figure out their schedule at the start of the semester?

Sergeant Rubingh: It provides a provision for that sort of circumstance.

Chairman Drebot: We plan on making this very public. We will tell RA’s, etc., so all the floors are very aware.

Senator Smith: So, will every floor announce in chapel?

Chairman Drebot: We just meant someone will make one announcement in chapel about senator elections.

Senator Bright: I just would like to bring up 3 points. In general, the pursuit of generalization is great, and I appreciate point 2. I would just ask, what is the current problem that is bringing up the changes? If we pass this, it adds a lot of obstacles. You must petition if you miss it, train early on and takes up to 2 weeks, and then having a defined exemption if you have other roles.

VP Avent: The impact exemption is not a new thing.

Chairman Drebot: We are really trying to legitimize the elections and this body. Also, we are trying to give people exposure to senate before they join. Earlier, we had someone join without an idea of what it was, and then left in two weeks.

Senator Hofer: When I first heard about this, it seemed unnecessary to me. But when I was elected, all I did was ask people if they were cool with me being senator. It feels loose.

Senator Naranjo: First, for point 1, if there is an election process, how can we be sure floors will care and participate. For number 5, does that mean after the election process, with a petition signed you can have a new senator.

Chairman Drebot: If they don’t care, it is up to you to get them to care.

Senator Vincy: We had our election in the mandatory meeting at the start of the semester. Then all are present.

Chairman Drebot: We have now heard two- or three-ways people have been elected and that is a problem. Motion to bring this bill to a vote.

Motion Passes.

Chairman Drebot: To anyone who voted against that, come to our committee meeting this Saturday.


Chairman Crowder: Senate Friday Ice Cream is not happening because it is Good Friday. I am working on floor snacks.

Open forum:

Chairman Moore: We need to look at the bill for the art committee because there is a stipulation about 1 year term and then a revote.

Senator Bright: Could you include a poll this week for what your floor wants in relation to a floor semester. Thanksgiving is the end or not. If we end at thanksgiving, do they want a shorter semester or start early.

Senator Shaughnessy: For out of state people, it makes it super expensive.

PPT Moyes: Bring this into discussion with floors. People’s opinion will be very helpful. Motion to adjourn.

Senator Allen: Motion to recess.

Chairman Drebot: I have been told stories about teachers looking up videos of how to teach, and who ranted about nuclear things instead of teaching. I know people who want to leave this school because of that. This is a huge issue, and we need to look at it.

Meeting Recessed 11:57