Session of February 23, 2023

February 23, 2023

Minutes Recorded by: Sean Koay, Senate Secretary

Visitor(s): Abby Leatherman and Steve Conn

Call to Order at 11:03 AM

Senator prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved at 11:07

Committee Reports

Senator Farmer: We are on track for elections and have been really lenient on signatures as we handed them out late. I would not be here, but I hope that somebody help gets the pizza for the debate.  

New Business:

Senator Farmer: Motion to bring bill to the floor. 


Debate Night Funding Act of Spring 2023 is brought to the floor. 


Bill is approved. 


Dr. Conn: Just so y'all know, for catering event you do not need to tip according to percentage. 


Chairman Ko: Given that Senator Farmer won’t be there, I want to suggest that the ordering of the pizza be handed to Jason Byrne. 


Vote did not pass


Dr. Conn: Typically, everyone will still get asked standard questions. 


Chairman Ko: I will figure out video with Harrison, on where the debate video will be posted. I have email Jake Hall but there hasn’t been a respond yet. 


VP. Crowder: Let us vote on who would be moderator. 

Votes are all tied between Berceir, Robinson, and Gonzalez. 


VP. Crowder: I think I could help out with the ordering of the pizza and all three candidates will be on the moderation team. 



VP. Crowder: On the senate website, there is a banner that shows the election process. It has a very general and helpful information, so you are more than welcome to point students that are interested on election information.  

Open Forum:

Chairman Ko: Are there plans for Monday?  


Senator Farmer: I have contacted everyone, and it should be good. 


VP. Crowder: Dr. Conn has volunteered to help make a voting form.  


Senator Berceir: Will the dynamic form not allow student to select the same people for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. There was an issue with this a couple years ago. 


Dr. Conn: I will look into and make sure it runs as smooth as possible, but that is a good question. 


Motion to recess 


Recessed at 11:25