Session of March 23, 2023

March 23, 2023

Minutes Recorded by: Sean Koay, Senate Secretary  

Visitor(s): Dr. Conn

Call to Order at 11:06 AM

Senator prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved at 11:08

Special Business:

VP. Crowder: There are two new senators that we are going to be swearing in today.

New senators Kushner and Hancock are sworn in.

SGT. Shaughnessy: To explain how we operate, you need to be called upon to speak, and if you have something short to add or a short question you can call a point of inquiry to which you would not need to stand and state your name. 


VP. Crowder: If you wish to speak raise your hand and before you speak state your position and last name. 


Old Business:

VP. Crowder: I have sent the information from last session to Marty Lane, but it seems that the app has already been bought and she is looking for more feedback on how the app can be useful. Please email her or me if you have more ideas of how it could be used. 


Chairman Ko: is there any information for the app roll out? 


VP. Crowder: I do not have the date just yet, but she did ask what is the best way we can advertise this, are there any specific channels? 


Senator Farmer: I would say to send it to the RA, and trust them to forward it to their floor. 


Senator Trosen: The senators can also post it on the discord. 


Senator Farmer: Not every floor has a discord therefore RA’s might be the best. 


Chairman Ko: Why not both?


VP. Crowder: There is a project going on from the exec cab. This coming Sunday the spring break mission trips will have a sit down to which people will be able to sit and have a chat with the people that have participate with the spring break mission trips. It will be a great opportunity to talk about what LeTourneau actually does on the mission trips. 


Open Forum:

Senator Robinson: I am on the student handbook committee, so if you have any questions, please let me know. 


Senator Standard: On the topic of student handbook, there is some very big issue with the proposed handbook wordings. It calls for a ban on all Bluetooth, Android devices, MacBook’s, and Gaming Consoles on campus. Under the orange section it states that connecting a network to LETU network, either VPN, or ethernet is not allowed as it counts as connecting another network to the LETU network. On the yellow, it also talks about not maintaining an antivirus, which android devices and gaming consoles don’t have. I think there needs to be rewording done before the handbook goes live. 


SGT. Shaughnessy: I am really confused as there are some stuffs that Letourneau is really strict on, and some that are not really enforced. There are some of us that just want privacy on the internet, so there more reason that this thing should be reworded. 


Dr. Conn: I would love to help broker a conversation before the Senate goes to IT, as I am in charge of the student handbook directly. 


Senator Kushner: I have heard things about housing that it now requires renter insurance next year, and I wanted to inquire if anyone know anything about that. 


Senator McNeil: I have already gone through the process, and you can just skipped pass it, but it was heavily implied that you should have one. There is the option for you to pay 100 to 600 for Letourneau’s renters’ insurance. Technically it is still optional. 


Dr. Conn: LETU has insurance if you guys mess up our stuff but that doesn’t cover if your stuff get messed up. If you destroyed LeTourneau’s property, we would charge you as if you damaged it. Renters insurance is a good investment as it is pretty dirt cheap. Anywhere you go in life you would want the renter’s insurance. For example, when the pipe burst in the quads and stuff were ruin that renter’s insurance would cover that, as we would not.  


Motion to Recess 


Recessed at 11:32