Meeting of March 28, 2024

March 28, 2024

Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko

Visitor(s): Dr. Conn

Call to Order at 11:05 AM

PPT Farmer prays

Roll Called

Officer Reports:

Committee Reports:

Chairman Robinson: No ice cream this week in observance of Good Friday.

Chairman Hancock: I'm working on the constitution and trying to push for people getting paid. 

VP Byrne: Are there any committees that are going to need chairs? GoPro and Student Life? Gavin put your hand down.

Old Business:

Chairman Ko: I'm going to a sign shop today to see what they could do about the LOUD Bill since the executive cabinet doesn't like it.

Chairman Smith: Do you know how funny it would be if I had a cardoard cutout of Dr. Conn?


VP Byrne: There's a home baseball team today.

Chairman Hancock: If you are willing to drive 8 hours to watch women's rugby,we have a game coming up.

VP Byrne: Why are you going to Lubbock?

Chairman Hancock: We would have only had two tournaments this year.

Meeting recessed at 11:16